Parent Coaching: Empowering Your Child through the Holiday Season

The holidays can be difficult for children who have experienced trauma. As a parent, you may be worried about your child's behavior when family visits or when they eat a little too much sweets. Or maybe this is the first time they get to celebrate with you family and you don't know what to expect […]


Parent Coaching: The Impact of Trauma on Development

Online Event

Trauma experienced in early childhood, delays development. As parents of children with trauma, we might not always understand the "why" behind our child's behavior. We might even catch ourselves thinking, "why don't you just act your age?" In this session we will take a closer look into how our children can be delayed in development […]


Bedtime Battles: Why Does My Child Have a Hard Time at Bedtime?

Online Event

Do you ever find yourself with a chatty child right at bedtime? First they need water, then it becomes a never ending cycle that never leads to sleep! Then this session is for you! In this session we will discuss why a child from a hard place might have difficulty falling to sleep or staying […]


Proactive Correcting: Teaching My Child New Skills

A child who has experienced early childhood trauma can have behaviors that are overwhelming for their parents. As parents we may feel like we've run our of strategies to correct our child. Correcting a child proactively is key to teaching them new skills. This parenting strategy for children form a hard place can be a […]
